Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day Two: OHSHI- There were TWO dinosaurs!

Vynaire and I were exploring the land of Un'Goro Crater when we came across the infamous stalker of noobs. Devilsaur.

Both of us being level eighty, of course we decided to fight this being.

The battle was tough, so I feigned death then hopped on my mammoth. Vynaire got on and we found another Devilsaur. So of course we brought them together and... Well.

After about ten minutes of this, Vynaire put hysteria on me. So I died. Then he 'accidently' heart striked the Devilsaurs, killing them. Totally Vynaire's fault.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Day One Point Five : The Long Haul to Nexus

After Canah gathered Vynaire's remains and cast a hideous spell of necromancy over him, bringing him back to life, the two headed on over all the way from Zul'drak to The Nexus in Borean tundra. The poor mammoth had to climb the cliff face of Coldarra.

Canah accidently pissed off this extremely strong troll on the way through Zul'drak. It threw its spear at her with all its strength. The spear descended down stairs, took sharp turns, crashed through walls, and finally stabbed Canah on the path from Crystalsong Forest to Dragonblight.

No flying mounts were used in this segment of travel.

Day One: The Feet in the Snow

Canah bought a magnificent mammoth, so of course she forced Vynaire to come ride with her on it.

Unfortunately, she steered the mammoth off a cliff and killed them both. Only Vynaire's feet survived the impact.